Enhance customer relationships and maximize your commercial effectiveness.

La mejor experiencia de datos

para el mejor rendimiento posible.

Golf Clubs and Clinics

Campos de Golf

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CRM: Connect, Automate, and Communicate


Efficiently manage relationships with your members and players through personalized and automated marketing campaigns.

A Continuously Updated Database


Thanks to our integration with any Golf Management System, our platform automatically updates your entire database of members and players. This not only saves your team time but also boosts productivity. Ensure that every interaction is backed by accurate and up-to-date information, optimizing your communication management.

Segmented Campaigns Based on Client Activity


Launch specific campaigns according to your members’ and clients’ activities to increase sales or foster loyalty. Reach your audience at the right moment with the appropriate message, maximizing each campaign’s impact and improving response rates.

Personalized Communications


Create tailored campaigns and messages with customized templates for each business unit. Adapt each message to the specific needs of each audience, enhancing the relevance of your communications. Send exclusive offers, greetings, visit or service reminders, and more, providing your clients with a unique and personalized experience.

Campaign Automation


Schedule and automate your communications to save time and effortlessly build client loyalty. Spend less time on manual tasks and more on cultivating quality relationships with your clients.

Business Intelligence: Data-Driven Decisions


We offer an attractive dashboard featuring all the key performance indicators of your business.

Real-Time Reporting


Access up-to-date billing and sales reports instantly, allowing you to make swift, data-driven decisions. Obtain metrics on the financial evolution of the course, competitor data, web traffic analytics, marketing campaign information, and more—all in a single dashboard.

Occupancy Control


Monitor your course or facility occupancy in real-time to maximize usage and improve planning. View all details regarding online reservation traffic, client origins, nationalities, and all relevant data about your golf course’s occupancy.

Surveys: Understand and Improve Your Clients’ Experience

Measure and optimize client satisfaction with automated surveys and real-time analysis.

Measure Client Satisfaction

Continuously assess your clients’ satisfaction and identify areas for improvement to offer exceptional service.

Create as Many Surveys as Needed

Design and customize as many surveys as necessary to gather key feedback for enhancing your services.

Automate All Sending and Result Processes

Automate the survey distribution and result analysis processes, ensuring reliable data.

Start the Journey to Grow Your Business

Try our free DEMO and explore all the functionalities you need to achieve a good return on investment and evolve your business.

Get Started

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